As I read various newspaper colunms from around the country (online of course, I'm not continually traversing the country) I regularly see enertainment editors commenting on television series they miss or wish would return. Sometimes I've seen list of long gone series that columnists would like to see come back, if only for a limited time, as a TV movie. NYPD Blue is mentioned frequently as a series people would like to see return in the form of a TV movie.
I am curious what the readers of this blog think. Would you like to see Blue return as a one time TV movie? What storylines would you like to see covered in the movie? Which characters/actors
must be featured in the movie? Any loose ends you'd like to see wrapped up in a TV movie that you felt were left unfinished when the series went off the air?
Share your thoughts! I'd love to hear what readers have to say about a Blue fantasy TV movie!!