She's Baaaack!

Charlotte and John
Originally uploaded by Blue4You.
Charlotte finally returned to television last night on ABC's Jake In Progress. The show had a premiere party last night in Los Angeles and the cast showed up for the press. Here's a nice shot of Charlotte with John.
While I won't say it's the best sitcom I've ever seen, I see a great deal of promise here with Charlotte's character of Annie. She was the bright spot in the show for me. While I have liked Wendie Mallick in past work, I thought her character was out of place on the show, forced. I think we might be seeing some nice interaction between Charlotte and John Stamos in the upcoming episodes. More than we were ever allowed to witness on Blue. I'm looking forward to it!
I agree Sipman, the show was okay. But I doubt that I'd stay tuned for long if I didn't love Charlotte so much. She's the reason I tuned in in the first place, and she's the only reason that I'll tune in again. Charlotte was; as expected the only bright spot as far as I'm concerned. She looks fantastic and I think the switch from drama to comedy went very smoothly. It's good to have Charlotte back on we need Dennis!
8:49 PM
Enjoyed CR's return to primetime TV.
The show is a bit lacking in terms of flow but CR and Stamos I thought were good together. I personally kept having Connie McDowell flashbacks thru the entire episode...especially in the restaurant...all I could think about was "Jealous Hearts" from Season 9. :-)
I also love the jaded irony of the fact that when we see CR for the first two times in the episode she has a wedding dress on and then we see the patented "sweater" look that the women detectives of Blue made into a fashion statement. :-) LOL! The irony wasn't lost on me that she wore a "BLUE" sweater. LOL! It'll be interesting to see this character's wardrobe choices.
At any rate, I loved seeing her return...I'm not sure how long it'll last but I'm glad she's back.
10:42 AM
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