my random poll for Jake In Progress....

Jake In Progress
Originally uploaded by Blue4You.
so, all you bloggers....who's anxiously awaiting Jake In Progress to debut on January 9? Who's excited to see Charlotte return to TV? Who's looking forward to her working with John Stamos? Who's going to pass on the series and wait for Blue Season 9 to come out on dvd? Post your responses now!
I had no interest in this show when it aired last year. But I am looking forward to Charlotte's return to TV. It's been a long 2 years since we've last seen her & I for one can't wait to see her back in action. I do think she & Stamos will be good together.
As for Season 9 of Blue on DVD. We have a long way to go & at the rate they're going releasing the previous seasons I just hope I live long enough to see it. They can't get to Season 9 quick enough for me!
7:58 PM
I love Charlotte and can't wait to see her back on tv again. I'll be there on January 9 to see it. No way I'd miss her and John Stamos is a hottie - still!
I wish they'd speed up the release of Season 9 and the other seasons. And they'd better have some bonus features with Charlotte and Dennis when they finally make it out on dvd.
4:49 AM
Do you even have to ask? LOL!
I am eagerly anticipating her return and I'm pretty sure she and Stamos will have chemistry to burn!
As for Season 9, let's hope that now that the series has ended, Fox will get their butts in gear and release all the seasons (one right after the other).
I would give anything to see a Season 9 blooper reel with Dennis, Charlotte and MPG. That alone would be special. :-)
Can't wait for January 9th.
7:28 AM
I'm not a John Stamos fan but I'll at least watch the first few episodes just to see Charlotte back on TV. I'll probably last until the first time she kisses him at which point all the times I wanted to see that on NYPD Blue with Dennis Franz will overwhelm me and I'll have to walk away. I'm not really a sitcom person anyway.
As for Season 9, I'm not holding my breath. I think we're only getting this one because they had it ready to go before they announced that Season 12 was the last.
3:57 AM
Great blog! I happened upon it and saw Jake In Progress as the top header and had to check it out. I've long been a fan of John Stamos and watched JIP last season. It wasn't bad but it was missing something and maybe the addition of the new characters, namely Charlotte Ross, will be just what the ratings doctor ordered! I have to admit, this being a NYPD Blue blog and all, that I wasn't that big of a fan of Blue. I did watch it from time to time and did like it but never regularly sat down to watch. However, I did see a couple episodes with Charlotte Ross and thought she was wonderful - in particular with the actor who was Andy Sipowitz. I watched her years back on Trinity and The Five Mrs. Buchanans and thought she had great potential. She was terrific in Beggars & Choosers and I cannot wait until that comes out on dvd next year. Now I'm looking forward to seeing what she and John Stamos will cook up on JIP. The photos here look like it will be a fun ride!
Cheers and Happy New Year to all.
8:08 AM
Yo CJ!!!
Welcome to the blog! :-)
I watched a few of the JIP eps last year as well but thought that something was missing as well.
I enjoy Stamos and think he's a really likable guy. He plays to his strengths and I think he's good in this type of role. It seems he just hasn't been able to achieve the TYPE of success he had from his FULL HOUSE days.
I'm looking forward to he and Charlotte Ross acting together. I think it will work. Ross seems to work well with lots of actors. She and Franz really had great chemistry together. I think the potential is there between her and Stamos as well.
She basically reinvented Blue for those of us who had been long time Blue fans. She brings a special spark with her in almost anything she touches.
We were deeply saddened when she left Blue and didn't return.
We'll be waiting to see the "fires burning and watching the sparks fly" on Jan. 9th.
Drop by again anytime and let us know what you think.
9:17 AM
Can't wait. Loved N.Y.P.D. Blue.
Looking forward to any new dvds.
Long time waiting for Ross.
7:33 AM
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