Charlotte picks up some more work!

Originally uploaded by Blue4You.
We made it through the drought, when Charlotte wasn't seen or heard from after Blue and giving birth to baby Max. Now she appears to be one busy working girl! In addition to joining the cast of John Stamos' ABC comedy, Jake In Progress, she is currently working on the independent film Searching For Mickey Fish. It is described as a true to life comedy about a man who is on the brink of collapse when a huge deal materializes and he and his partners are sure that their lives have changed forever. Don Most is the director. You might remember his from his Happy Days. Daniel Baldwin, Curtis Armstrong and William Mapother are listing among the cast. I'll post more information as it becomes available!
Remember Curtis Armstrong...if I remember right from his Moonlighting days and from the Revenge of the Nerd films.
This is great news that our KAC is a "working girl" once again!
Where is the pic accompanying this post from? Love it!
11:01 AM
Very good news for Charlotte, it is brilliant !!
12:39 PM
The Angels are really singing now! I can't tell you how great it is to hear that Charlotte is working again. I'm all for motherhood and am happy that Charlotte has a happy personal life. But she's just too damn good not to be working. All I can say is WELCOME BACK KAC.....We missed ya!
8:48 PM
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