Happy Thanksgiving from Inside Hollywood ~ NYPD Blue Style and The Blue Stalker!

Originally uploaded by Blue4You.
Happy Turkey Day to all you wacky Blue Bloggers! We have lots to give thanks for this year and the coming year....even if Blue isn't still giving us first run episodes. It might be easier to list them out, so here goes - in no particular order...
Let's give thanks that idiots, oops...make that those in charge over at Fox Video, are finally coming to their collective senses and getting ready to release Blue Season 3 on DVD. Get on with the it guys...we WANT and NEED Seasons 8 forward in a good/bad way...
A BIG THANKS that Charlotte Ross will FINALLY be returning to the small screen and we get to be blessed by her comic skills this time around! I'm just giddy with anticipation....Stamos and Ross...together....this has got to be good! At it'll be easy on the eyes!
A Thank You shout-out to the powers that be over at Showtime for FINALLY wising up and releasing Beggars & Choosers on DVD early in 2006. For those not in the know, Charlotte ROCKS in Beggars! I highly recommend checking it out for those not in the know.
An Executive Thanks to ABC for bringing Stevie B to Commander In Chief and to the casting peeps over there for getting Mark-Paul Gosselaar added to the cast. His role as Dickie looks like a winner! Now, if Bochco can just work Dennis Franz into the show somehow I swear I'll take back
every nasty comment I made about Stevie B....but we don't want to go there now, during this Blog of Thanks!
Also, on the Presidential Thank You list - Jimmy Smits. It's great seeing him on West Wing. Next election day...let's all vote for him, ok? It's gotta be better than what we got now.
Special GRACIAS for Jackie O's sitcom, Freddie, getting the full season green light. Jackie, IMHO, was one of the most underrated cast members during Blue's run. She's terrific in both comedy and drama and wasn't given the proper storyline to show off her skills during Blue.
A loud A&C Thanks to the Guttermamma herself for cranking out the Fanfic in the City of Brotherly Love. With no new episodes, she, and the other A&C'ers keep us satisfied with all those Blue episodes we just know should have been filmed....but, sadly, weren't. Keep writing girlfriend! We can dream...
Lastly, a Great BIG BLOGGER Hug of THANKS to all of you who have visited the Blue Blog since I started it back in the spring. It gets slow sometimes between appearances of our Blue faves but I'll keep 'em posted as they happen and keep you all updated with any of the news from the Left Coast on what our actors are going to be doing. Remember, you heard it hear first about Charlotte and Jake In Progress, MPG and CIC, Dennis golfing and all those other important events like Henry and his engagement to Eva. Keep the comments, cards, letters and Starbucks Gift Cards coming...caffeine seems to keep the blog running! <<>>
~~~~***```HAPPY THANKSGIVING```***~~~~
What a nice sentiment...and a big thank you to you Blue4you for bringing us all of the Blue news. I always know where to come when I want to check on my favorites. I just wish there was more news on Dennis! I guess I'll just have to keep wishing and keep checking the blog.
Happy Turkey day everybody!!
9:00 PM
Wow Blue4you...your makin me blush. It's little things like this that keep me writing...an the need to set things straight...God bless...
7:31 AM
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