Who would you like to have seen hook-up on Blue...but didn't...

Dennis and Debra
Originally uploaded by Blue4You.
New question for the masses...which characters on Blue would you like to have seen hook-up (in a relationship or in a storyline or ??? whatever???) but didn't during the run of the series. My first answer would have been I'd like to have seen MORE of a hook-up with Connie and Andy. Come on, they were living together, they were obviously sleeping together, they had a child together....BUT, us A&C'ers were sort of short changed in the intimacy department here! We saw a look, we saw a pat on the shoulder, and on a lucky episode we got a brief hand holding moment or a kiss on the forehead. If we had been thrown a bone in at least one episode (bad choice of words?!! I think not!) we would have been delirious with excitement!
Outside of the obvious, for me, I would like to offer up a hook up of former PAA Geri and Andy. The girl had her fetishes, many rubber body suits, but she knew a fine man when she saw one and she went after Andy. Out of all the characters Andy interacted with over the years, she really sort of scared him! I loved the scenes when she would come on to Andy and tell him what she'd like to do to him! Dennis' facial expressions were priceless! I'd love to have seen them stuck in an elevator for an hour and see what shape Andy Sipowicz would have come out in! Geri would have torn him up!! Kudos to actress Debra Christofferson who played Geri and went on to the HBO series Carnivale.
Ok bloggettes....pony up. Think back in time and who would have made an interesting hook-up for you and why?
Ahhh, in the days before Andy and Connie became a reality, I really thought TPTB were having thoughts of hooking up CR and Esai together. Watch some of the later Season 8 episodes and you'll hear comments from our KAC about T-Rod to Diane.
I also wonder if before it was known that Rick S. was going to leave that TPTB had possibly entertained the idea of putting Danny and Connie together. Frankly, that would have also been a TRAIN WRECK waiting to happen a la Danny and Diane IMHO...sorry D & Ders!!!
When CR joined the cast, she didn't have a clue about who TPTB might put her with. It is our great GOOD FORTUNE that she and Dennis had chemistry together almost immediately. It was immediate and spontaneous!!!
The last 3 or 4 episodes of Season 8 leave no doubt about that.
I thank my lucky stars everyday that Andy and Connie became a couple.
3:57 PM
I'm with you Prez, Andy & Connie were the ultimate hookup....but like blue4you says. We were robbed on the intimacy front. I don't think that Andy & Connie "burned up the sheets" like Bobby & Diane did. But I think they were a very intimate and passionate couple. It's too bad that we didn't get to see more of that intimacy.
Andy & Geri....wow, that's a good one Blue. You're right, Geri is the only person that I can remember Andy ever actually being afraid of.
I guess if I had to choose somebody other than Connie for Andy it would have been Theo's doctor. She had the aquarium thing in common with him and they would have made a good couple. But thank God they didn't hookup because along came Connie... and the rest is history.
How about Medavoy and Katie Sipowicz? I think they would have made a nice couple...and that would have driven Andy nuts. I think they dropped the ball with PAA John too. I would have liked to have seen them expand more on John & the puppy guy in Season 9.
I actually think they did too much "hooking up" in the latter years of the show. The only couple I really enjoyed after Sylvia died was Andy & Connie. I did like the real estate agent that Greg hooked up with but Clark and the ADA totally turned me off. I'm rambling now, it's past my bedtime and I need to stop.
All I can say is.....Long live Andy & Connie!
9:59 PM
i am a life long member of the A&C hookup...but...if this did not happen, i'd have to say, i'd'a like to have seen Andy w/ a woman of color...not ADA Haywood type, more like Star Jones type. He coulda met up w/ her during a case an got "over-involved" somehow...you could have had the same type deal as they did w/ Connie, being afraid to make a move and she could have helped him to that spot...then he'd have to tell her about his bigotry in the past an all that he'd done an so forth...that, along w/ him no longer drinking, i think really would have brought him full circle. But as it is i'm jus sittin here on the sidelines...
i'd have to agree w/ Granny on the Katie Sipowicz/Greg Medavoy hook up. NOW that would have made for some interesting interaction between the three of them...
Lets see...maybe Baldwin an Connie woulda been cool...or...better yet...Baldwin & PAA John, that woulda been interesting, huh? Or even better yet...PAA JOhn & Bale, there ya go...
Other then those, the most obvious would have been Diane & Andy (UGH). But that would have been too weird for me...jus my opinion, what say you?...Peace
8:29 AM
Good idea Sipman, I like the idea of Andy hooking up with a woman of color. That would have been cool to see and Dennis himself said that he tried to get Bochco and the writers to go in that direction for Andy.
I like the idea of PAA John & Bale too. Now that would have raised some eyebrows at the 15th!
Andy & Diane....NO way, never in a million years! I'm so glad that the producers/writers never even tried that one.
9:12 PM
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