Officer Miller? Anti-Crime Josh? Anti-Crime Lisa? or maybe it was Julian Pisano or Sgt. Martens...

Billy Concha
Originally uploaded by Blue4You.
NYPD Blue had such a wonderful supporting cast of guest stars over the years. From the uniform cops - Miller, Laughlin, Shannon - to Anti Crime Josh, Lisa and Hank. There was Julian Pisano, Swirley and even Shorty Boom. Some viewers might even call Eddie Gibson, Fraker and Martens guest stars. Who was your favorite and why? I'd have to guess mine is Lenny Venito as Julian Pisano. He always made me laugh but he could play it straight too. I always liked watching his interaction with Andy. Julian could be a smart ass to Andy but there was always that fear in him of what Andy could do!
Your turn...who's your favorite?
Gibson, definitely! The episodes when he partnered with McDowell in particular - they were classics!
9:40 AM
I would have to say Sgt. Martens. He was always straight with the detectives from the 15th Squad and never tried to screw them as did his boss, Capt. Fraker. I loved his interactions with Andy. Even thought they traded quips at times, there was a mutual respect you couldn't ignore. It was great to watch!!
12:44 PM
Sharon Lawrence as A.D.A Costas, the only one who trully knew the inside and outside of our lovable Andy Sipowics!!
4:51 PM
oooo, another great question! I'd say all of the above but that would be boring. I could sit here all night and name names. I liked Martens an awful lot. Like Andy told Jr in Season 10; "He's IAB but he's stand up."
I also loved Gibson for the way he always got under Andy's skin. Julian in the later years was a lot of fun too. His last appearance on Blue had my heart breaking for him.
Last but not least I loved Officer Miller...Billy Concha was easy on the eyes & looked like a real cop. Gotta give the girls their due by not forgetting "anti-crime" Lisa.
Okay, that's it for now....told ya I could keep this up all night!
8:08 PM
Major brain fart......I forgot Mike Roberts! He was so slimy but at the same time so could you not love him!
8:10 PM
Eddie Gibson for his comic relief. I really liked his scenes with Connie McDowell. His "dynamite broad" and "they make a great corn beef" lines were memorable.
3:59 AM
A'right...i have a few but they fall in to different carorgies: under funny, i'd have to say Uncle Eddie (Johnny O was the man)...then Julian, then Shorty Boom and a brief stint by Mos Def as Peach (Danny's other CI)"Smarty Clown" love that...
As for stand up question..Martens...really liked how his role turned out, even if he is a cheese eater..LOL
Now for the best...i consider anyone Andy called a "rat pr*ck" the best, so that means Fraker of couse...but the king of rat pr*ck's would have to be James Sinclair...anytime they were on together, it made for fantastic of the line stuff man. Sinclair may not have been involved alot, but i would have to say he had the biggest impact when he was...there ya have what say you? Peace...Vicki
8:34 AM
Good one Sipman, I forgot all about Sinclair. He pushed Andy's buttons in ways that nobody else could.
I always felt that the season 6 episode "Voir Dire This" had one of the series' most poignant moments. Andy finally gets a little "revenge" on Sinclair by acing his testimony with Sylvia's support. Then before he can really celebrate that victory he loses his beloved wife to Jimmy Mayo's wayward bullet. That of course leads to what just may be my all time favorite Blue episode....Safe Home...still can't watch it without crying like a baby.
8:28 PM
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