What's up with Kim?

Originally uploaded by Blue4You.
I've been asked a lot over the past fews days what is going on with Kim Delaney. Well, I don't know! Since her court cast earlier this fall she's been out of the spotlight - which is probably a good thing. She needs to focus on herself and getting her life in order. I have no information on if or when she went to rehab or not. I did find out that the tv movie 10.5 Apocalypse began filming this summer in Canada and should be completed by now. BTW, Garcelle Beauvais is listed in the credits also.
I knew Kim was arrested for driving while intoxicated a couple years ago but after reading the posts on this site I am confused. Did something else happen more recently? What happened with her son that everyone was posting about? I liked watching her on NYPD Blue but I haven't seen her on aanything else since then.
7:32 AM
Kim rules????? Gimme a break! She can't keep her own life in order. Maybe she could rule at rehab. She needs help and I hope she gets it. I feel sorry for her and her son.
4:52 AM
Kim rules? Hardly.
4:44 AM
To Rosalee
I think you need to lighten up a bit dear. Don't get so offensive just because someone doesn't share your view on things. We understand you love Kim, you've made that perfectly clear on more than one occasion. But personal attacks on people that don't share your view on something as trivial as this are way out of bounds....don't ya think? I mean it's not like anonymous has committed treason by attacking Dennis Franz. Give him/her a break...he/she is entitled to their opinion.
8:20 PM
To Rosalee,
People who don't agree with you should stay off the blog, huh? Who died and left you in charge? Only the person who owns the blog has the right to say that and I know for a fact that ain't you sweetheart. While you're at it, maybe you could try using some semblance of grammar and composition so your posts would be less painful to read.
3:31 AM
To Rosalee
I'm glad you're a fan of Kim's work. Not everyone who reads this page is a fan of Kim but they are entitled to their opinion. However, you know nothing about Kim in real life. You do not know what she does, how she acts and what her son and ex-husband feel and what they said in court. Those proceedings were private. You do not know her ex-husband only what you have read in the media and I caution you if you believe everything you read in the media! It is not always true. Do not confuse Kim Delaney with Diane Russell! Diane was a nice person, people liked her, you might want her as your friend - but she had issues. You are not Kim's friend, you haven't met her, you do not know what she is really like. I think you are confusing the two. I find it admirable you support her in her troubles however you might want to take your own advice that you posted here - if you don't know what you're talking about or don't like what people say about an issue here - then stay off this page! This blog is wonderful and an excellent place for fans of NYPD Blue to see what the former cast members are doing. Not a place for gossip and rumors. I'm sure if the blog owner found out information on Kim and what she is doing she would post it. I'm glad he/she hasn't posted unconfirmed reports and rumors. Let's all take a moment and a deep breath and just wait until real news of Kim emerges.
4:55 AM
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