Which episode of Blue is your favorite?

Dennis Franz during NYPD Blue filming in New York
Originally uploaded by Blue4You.
Since it appears the former cast of Blue is keeping a low profile these days --- let's hope they are saving up for the holiday party season right around the corner --- I thought it might be a good time to ask the ever popular question....Which episode of Blue was your personal favorite? I've got a few - You Da Bomb, Ho Down, Oedipus Wrecked....you can see where I'm going. I've a fan of the Andy and Connie storyline and the work of actors Dennis Franz and Charlotte Ross. What is your favorite episode? Just click the comment link below this post and tell us which episodes are your favorites and why....come on, it doesn't hurt and you don't even have to tell us your name...Post away!
Good question!
My favorite episode has to be Good Golly Goth. I think this was Charlotte Ross's first episode and I really liked her portrayal of Det. Connie McDowell. I also like Better Laid Than Never 1 and 2. Nice ending to the season and the first kiss between her and Sipowitz.
7:24 AM
My favorite story line is with Det. Baldwin Jones (Henry Simmons) with his x-g.f. D.A. attorney Haywood. One of my fav's is "Baby Love" because Henry is almost naked in it. I basically like the ones he's shirtless and Henry has a storyline in the show.
8:22 PM
my favorite shows on nypd blue was with jimmy smits and kim delaney togather.and of course dennise franz.but some of the cast have shows there are on now.of course kim delaney with her problems right now.no thanks to her exs joe cortese.and between her brother dieding in july the one that she was extremely close to.but she is doing the second part of 10.5.and that her son is living with her exs-joe cortese.and that he don;t want to see her until she had completed rehab.his father put him up to this.i am just trying to find out if she is in rehab right now.
5:39 AM
I like the episode You Da Bomb, Dennis and Charlotte are at the top of their art in this episode. Oedipus Wrecked is magnificent the end between Andy and Connie is a magic moment. All the moments between Andy and Connie are excellent this duet is exceptional ? Bravo Dennis and Charlotte !!
the picture of Dennis is great !
8:00 AM
hmmm....let's see..where to begin?
I adore Dennis Franz, so I loved any episode with Andy in it. But some of my all time favorites are Oedipus Wrecked, You Da Bomb, Jealous Hearts, In The Wind, Peeping Tommy & Tranny Get your Gun in the Connie era....I love Andy & Connie.
Some of my favorite "pre Connie" episodes are Safe Home, Closing Time, A Death in the Family, Simone Says, The Final Adjustment, Steroid Roy, The Pilot episode, Rockin' Robin, & Travels with Andy. I could go on forever, there are so many great episodes that it's almost impossible to try to limit my choices. I loved this show and am still trying to get over not having new episodes on Tuesday nights.
8:27 AM
kim delaney and jimmy smits is still the best.
8:59 AM
There are SO MANY.
From Season 2: Simone Says (just for the way both Jimmy and Dennis help the audience to so easily accept the character of Bobby Simone); Travels with Andy (one of the best "buddy moment" episodes of the series and one of the funniest! I still howl when I see the look on Andy's face when Bobby tells him about the pigeons! :-)
From Season 5: Lost Israel Parts 1 & 2 ("Andy, sometimes you are high maintenance like a broad."
From Season 6: Hearts & Souls (possibly THE BEST BLUE EPISODE EVER simply for the way it dealt with grief, love, and loss. Also from Season 6: Safe Home - for the way it brought PAA John into Andy's life. Brilliantly acted and wonderfully written. David Milch had a banner season that year.
From Season 8: In The Wind (the coffee room scene between Andy and Connie...you just knew HOW SPECIAL these two were gonna be together). And I love how Blue never forgets its past in that episode with the mention of Bobby. The fact that Andy shares that with Connie. Charlotte and Dennis just nail everything they're given.
From Season 9: How about the entire season or at least 2/3rd's of it!!! LOL!!! Lies Like A Rug (the ending bar scene...I KNEW then that Charlotte Ross had truly become THE FEMALE LEAD that this series so desperately needed. She matches Dennis step for step...you just gotta love the dance! It's lyrical to watch! She solidified her spot with me.
More later...
5:17 PM
I'm with you Prez, Charlotte Ross brought so much to Blue. The character of Connie was kick ass from the get go...I loved the way she stood up to Andy from day one. She wasn't the least bit intimidated by him and I think that's where the initial attraction was for Andy. I liked Kim Delaney & Andrea Thompson well enough & I loved Sharon Lawrence. But in my humble opinion Charlotte blew them all away. She & Dennis made magic together and their moments together on screen were priceless. Damn I miss this show!
9:56 PM
Continuing on....
More from Season 9: How about Moms Away, Jealous Hearts, Oh Mama, Oedipus Wrecked, Dead Meat in New Deli, and Better Laid Than Never. All pivotal Andy and Connie episodes. And Charlotte and Dennis are so very excellent in each one. There is outstanding dialogue in each and every one of these episodes and these are some of the highlight episodes which make the "Andy and Connie dance" as I like to call it so much fun to watch. It's just plain magicial!!!
Charlotte and Dennis are just so good together.
Season 10: Death By Cycle, Tranny Get Your Gun, Meet The Grandparents, Yo Adrian.
Season 11: Frickin' Fraker (for the end moment on the courthouse steps!!! "I AM HERE!" What more do you need to know.)
It's To Die For:
Andy: "How?"
Connie: "The usual way."
Andy: But me with my prostrate....
Connie: Didn't seem to slow you down any.
The wedding scene in "And The Wenner Is..." (PERFECT!!!! John Irvin: Do you Andrew Sipowicz take Connie McDowell to be your lawful wedded wife?"
Andy (as we fade to black): "I do."
And one of Blue's top 20 BEST episodes: You DA Bomb!
A tour de force for both Charlotte and Dennis.
And with that episode...a few weeks later...our Connie McDowell was never to be seen or heard from EVER again. From that moment on, the series was NEVER the same!!!
10:04 PM
kim delaney was the best in nypdblues.even bocho said that,he was a very big fan of kim delaney.shannon lawerance was wonderful.c.ross was not that great.kim was the only one steven bocho really really loved out of the woman on nypd blues.
4:11 AM
OMG! Charlotte Ross wasn't that great?!?!?!?! I beg to differ, She was incredible and the chemistry that she & Dennis shared oozed through on screen. Charlotte and Dennis made magic every time they shared a scene and she singlehandedly breathed new life into the show. Nothing against Kim or Sharon, they were both good in their roles. But in my opinion Charlotte Ross' Connie was THE BEST female character that Blue ever had. Connie was Andy's female equal on the job and off and that's what made her character so good.
8:04 PM
Again I'm with you Prez....it was the little moments like the ones you listed that make Andy & Connie so much fun to watch. I just watched the Season 11 episode "Your Bus Ted" the other morning. The scene where Andy returns to the squad and finds the tranny pros sitting in his chair is another of those priceless moments. The look on Connie's face when Andy switches out his chair with Greg's chair because his chair "smells like whore" is beyond priceless. She's amused but at the same time she's beaming at him as if to day "that's my man. I love those little moments.
8:43 PM
ya, but kim delaney had so many fans when she was on nypd blues.and jimmy smits and her had the best chemity between them.aand like i said steve bocho even loved her in blue,than anyone else in the woman.
2:52 AM
this is to vicki,
vicki i don;t agree at all about kim delaney on what you say either.because steven bocho always thought the best of her.that doesn;t mean that he had a thing for her.and yes in someway he did get her to where she is today.but even she said that herself that he took her full circle.just like he promise he would for her.but she would have made it out there to on her own.because ever where you look also you will see kim delaney is the best and also jimmy smits and kim togather is also the greatest when there where togather.and yes you should be on her side and like her alittle because you are from philly.because everyone in philly loves her.so i can see why people have given you alot of bull over the years.because there think the world of her and her family.kim was also as you know born and raised there.so everyone up there think the world of her.her family was also very well knowen up there and still is.yes kim does have soome problems but we don;t have to feel so for her.she will do want ever she needs to.to get better. because i am sure her whole family is on her side.because there have always hated joe cortese.which in my opioion he is an jerk.but i still here alot of guys saying that there would love to have kim delaney in bed with them if she wasn't married to alan b.so i here alot of people still belive that she is number one in there book.i will always be one of her biggest fans.that why i am going to see if i can get an saign autograph of her.i just have to figure out how to write for one.it is my first time doing it.i just wish i could have found her autobigraphy of her life that she wrote.you know anyone who would want to sell one do you.even if it is used.i just am trying to find out if she did go to rehab yet.
8:52 AM
Because i'm from the "City of Brotherly Love"...i'm gonna show ya some...anything Kim D. related can be found at kimdelaney.org
try a google thing too...go for it...Peace
2:00 PM
to anonymous
you are not showing me anything because i have had the kim delaney site for years.so i know all about it.and like i said i can see why people have given you alot of bull over the years about it.kim is a beautiful person.and like i said she is very well respected up there.she is the best.so don't think that you are showing me anything.anyway have you ever met her?
4:59 PM
to anonymous
you are not showing me anything when you say go to kim delaney.org
because i have been going there for years.and like i said i can see why people have given you a hard time over the years about her.
because like i said before she is very well likedup there in the city of brotherly love.and her whole family is to.what year was youn born in.i never heard of no one not liking her that was from there.because her brother patrick still lives up there.so your just crazy.
5:55 PM
Hi! Great blog. I just found it by accident and since I loved watching NYPD Blue when it was on, it was fun to see what all the cast is doing now. I'll be bookmarking this site to check back and see what the actors are doing.
I am also from the Philadelphia area and will weigh in on my thoughts of Kim Delaney. She isn't my favorite actress from Blue and she's not even my second favorite actress from the series. I would have to say Charlotte Ross, Jacqueline Obradors and Sharon Lawrence are among my favorite female cast members. I also liked Andrea Thompson's character very much until the writers began to unravel "Jill."
I was never overly impressed by Kim Delaney's acting skills on Blue or other series and tv films she appeared in. She seemed to have two basic expressions most of the time. I liked Jimmy Smits on Blue very much and enjoyed his scenes with Dennis Franz very much. The scenes with "Diane" and "Bobby" were ok - mostly I attribute that to the excellent writing on the series and Jimmy Smits wonderful acting work. In my honest opinion, Kim Delaney lacks the range of some of the other actresses on the show - like Charlotte Ross, Sharon Lawrence, etc.
As for Bochco and his relationship with Kim Delaney. I'm sure, as they worked together for several years (she also did several episodes of LA Law long before Blue and Philly), he only wishes the best for her - professionally and personally. He wants her to be happy - as I'm sure he would wish for any of his cast members - and I'm sure he was aware of the demons she sometimes faced. I don't think I'd go as far as saying she was the only actress on the series that he loved. I'm sure he had a decent working relationship with most of the actors but keep in mind that this is a working environment.
Lastly, being from Philadelphia doesn't make me like or dislike anyone else from Philadelphia any more or any less. I'd venture to say most people in Philadelphia don't really know who Kim Delaney is or have any opinion on her or her career. I don't wish her harm or anything and I truly hope she can get her life in order for her son's sake as well as her own. I'm just not a fan of her work - but that doesn't mean I don't wish her well in her personal life. If what I've read in the press is true, I hope she has gotten help to straighten herself out.
We all like different actors for various reasons. Some prefer Charlotte, some prefer Kim, some prefer Sharon. It's for that reason that discussing Blue with other fans makes it so much more interesting. It would be pretty boring if everyone liked only the same actor or actress and only the same episode. The different opions are what makes it fun. Don't take it so seriously! THIS IS A TELEVISION SERIES FOR GOD'S SAKE!! - and a damn good one, I might add!
7:36 PM
schuylkill rower
i don;t know how you can say that many people have not even heard of her.but course if you weren't around or old enough in the 80's and 90's maybe you didn't here of her to much.but in 2000's.she is still very popular in calfornia.but as for your information steven bocho did like the other actress to.but if you have read other pages in mazaines and he he had said that kim was his favorite.that is why she is the only one that he took her full circle.and yes,he knew about her dring problem but always said that kim never gave him any problem while she worked under his contract.and as for your information as for her show philly if you had read the articles on her show philly.steven bocho had put her on her own show because he didn't feel that people weren't seeing her talent that she really had.but it didn't work out after the first season because there think that she didn;t make the transcition after being on nypd blues for all though years.and some problems dring.and as for her expressions she was just as good as all the other ones.so steven bocho didn't do anything just to make her happy;as for her son she is always been an excellant mother to him.always put him first.yes,it is true that she lost custody to her stupid exs joe.and want her son said about her he was put up to some of it by his father.i don;t agree with the calfoprnia courts on some of the decision that there made.want story have you read about her loosing custody of her son?please let me know.because other people have said that it was not in newspapers.i live in florida.please let me know want papers had it.of course kim was always on speed dial for producture to get her on pictures. kim will get her life straighten out for her son sank.i just like to know want the family really thinks of the court decision because she is extremely close to her father and the rest of her family.so i know there our problemly on her side exspecially her father.because he always stand beside her even when he don't approve of what she does.you can't belame her from drinking because her whol;e family drunks.she was always her father favorite growing up.but i would like to know what the news said about her loosing custody of her son.wellshe has her husband on her side and her family and she has lots of friends out there to she will be just fine.
4:00 AM
First to Schuylkill rower, alls i have to say to you is...AMEN!
To anonymous...take a deep breath & chill...anonymous from the City of Brotherly Love was tryin to be nice by lendin ya a hand there. No need to jump all over this person.
Can't we all jus get along?
6:56 AM
to sipman990
i don't need a helping hand with anything.and no i won't chil.and i wasn't jumping all over anyone.just saying a opioion.
9:31 AM
Great question. I started watching Blue around season 3. Over time I've seen most all of the episodes on TNT and Court TV. I don't think I could pick one or two episodes as my favorites. That would be too difficult. If pressed I might say Oedipus Wrecked (great tension) or the ones with the characters of Shorty Boom or Julian Pisano - they had some nice funny scenes with the cast.
To throw my two cents worth in on the favorite actors or actresses - Personally, I prefer Connie over Diane on the show. I think Connie was more of an equal to the guys in the squad than Diane - while both were good cops. I also enjoyed watching the relationship develop with Andy and Connie. In the beginning I didn't think I'd like it but the two actors sold me on it and I found myself pulling for it in the end. Too bad that the show didn't explore the relationship more in-depth. I don't dilike Kim's acting. I used to watch her on All My Children many years ago. But I prefer other characters over hers on NYPD Blue.
As for Kim Delany's personal problems - I truly wish her well. I hope she can get her personal life in order. It must be very devastating to loose custody of a child and to hear him say he's afraid of being with his mother and doesn't want to be around her in court and all the other things that were reported after the court case. Let's all hope that relationship can be patched!
10:23 AM
you don't have to worrie about kim delaney because her and her son will be just fine i am sure of it.she has so maney friends and family to support her in what ever happens with her.which i am sure that there our on her side.i am just trying to find out if kim has gone to rehab yet.she'll do what ever it takes to get her son talking to her again.her exs joe is an jerk.she has all the support from her husband alan b.and family and friends.i just wish i knew if she was in rehab now.
11:52 AM
I tried posting this last night but it didn't take. I'm getting old so I probably canceled it out. But anyways, there's no denying that Kim & Jimmy had chemistry. Their characters had a good storyline through the years. But truth be told I enjoyed Jimmy Smits' scenes with Dennis Franz 10 times more than I did his scenes with Kim. Dennis and Jimmy had so much chemistry that it was hard sometimes to remember they were acting. I still refer to Sip & Simone as the REAL "Dream Team." The 2 actors had a real connection and it was always such a joy to watch.
After Jimmy left the show I didn't feel that connection again until Charlotte Ross came on board at the end of season 8. I think that's why I love Charlotte so much. Funny thing is I used to watch the soaps years ago & I loved Kim on All My Children...I didn't even really know who Charlotte Ross was until she showed up at the 15th. Now given the choice between watching Kim or watching Charlotte I wouldn't have to think twice. Charlotte rocks and I love watching her.
I understand that the first Season of Beggars & Choosers is coming out on DVD in January....my advice is buy it, watch it, and see more of Charlotte's magic. You won't be disappointed.
5:59 PM
I don't think anybody that has posted is wishing Kim any ill will. I think we're all pulling for her and hoping she gets herself back on the right track. Just because some of us prefer Charlotte's character over Kim's character doesn't mean we're anti-Kim. It just means we think Charlotte is the better actress.
As for the biography, I didn't realize that one existed. But you may want to try ebay or find out who published it and try contacting them to see if the book is still in print.
7:38 PM
I agree with grannie. I don't believe anyone here wishes ill of Kim or her family. It's just she's not one of our favorite actresses on the series. I'm sure she and all the actors on the series are nice people and I only wish them the best in their careers and personal lives. That said, if, for example, Charlotte Ross or Sharon Lawrence did a TV movie or new series I would definitely watch - without a doubt! However, if Kim or say Gail O'Grady or Gordon Clapp (don't want to leave the men out) did a TV movie or new series I doubt very seriously I would watch. I'm just not as big of fan of their work as some of the other cast members.
Kim has an autobiography? If it was published you could probably get your local book store to order it for you. You'd need a title or possibly an author if if was a biography and not an autobiography.
I'm starting to really enjoy checking out the posts here. Have a nice weekend.
6:25 AM
Kim was good on Blue. Don't know if I'd say she was the best. That might be stretching it a bit. Wouldn't you agree? After all, it was an ensemble cast.
8:24 PM
Rosalee2 I must beg to differ with you. If anyone of the cast was "the best" it would have to be Dennis Franz. But I would agree with the anonymous poster - it was an ensemble cast. They were all the best.
7:36 AM
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