TOG and his spawn...sighted in Santa Monica

Originally uploaded by Blue4You.
I'm not a big fan of TOG, The Other Guy for those uninitiated, but I have had requests here for updates of photos of him.....and we know the Blue Stalker is all about keeping the readers much as this hurts to post! David Caruso was spotted doing some window shopping in Santa Monica this week. He stolled Montana Avenue with his son Marquez, born last September to him and girlfriend Liza Marquez.
There you have an update on The Other Guy....excuse me now, I must go hurl....
Ewww, not him. He's so arrogant and gross. Being so pale with that red hair doesn't help when you have to watch him in the old Blue episodes.
10:20 AM
Ok, so here's a picture 0f a guy most people don't want to see, and it's nice to see he's doing ok, but what about our Sgt. Martens? Love to know what he's up to these days and when we can expect to see him again!!!
10:54 AM
I guess we gotta take the bad with the good. I'd much rather see an old picture of "DA MAN" than a new one of T.O.G. But hey, like it or not he is part of Blue's history. I personally will never forgive him for kicking that waste can at Dennis' head. But that's just me. Keep up the good work blue4you.
9:04 PM
Great post.
5:32 PM
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